200 Status OK

What Does Status Code 200 Mean

200 Status OK is part of the list of standard responses to an HTTPS request, along with 301, 302, 404 and 500. In simple terms, this is what happens when you try to access a resource on a website and everything works without any problems. In a web browser, such as Chrome or Mozilla, you will usually not see this message, but instead, the requested content itself will be directly displayed (e.g. the homepage of your favorite newspaper).

200 Status OK is a standard response to an HTTPS request, which means that the resource you are trying to access on the web can be accessed without errors. In a web browser, such as Chrome or Mozilla, you will usually not see this message, but instead, the requested content itself will be directly displayed (e.g. the homepage of your favorite newspaper).  

You are likely to see this status highlighted in green, when you use online tools such as Google’s Search Console. There, as a webmaster, you can check the coverage of all the URLs of your website. The 200 Status OK means that the URL you are checking can be crawled by Google and can be accessed by users.
