Cookieless Tracking

Our Analytics Platform Doesn't Use Cookies

Get Better Insights - Remove Your Cookie Banner - Keep Users Safe

Cookieless Website Analytics - TWIPLA Website Intelligence
Anonymized Website Analytics

Precise Cookieless Tracking

We use an advanced cookieless tracking system to identify and track website visitors. And with cookies now redundant as an effective user tracking tool, this increases data capture and insight accuracy significantly when compared with cookie-based analytics.

We offer four data collection levels that align TWIPLA with various data privacy laws. The first three use fingerprinting to generate anonymized visitor profiles. We keep this data within the analytics environment, preventing its use in identifying users.

But by default, our platform operates in Maximum Privacy Mode. This cookieless tracking level means that you can use it while respecting all data protection requirements. So, use TWIPLA and safeguard visitors. Maintain privacy compliance without legal burdens.

How Fingerprinting Works

We analyze visitors using fingerprinting at our first three privacy levels. We create a stateless fingerprint.js file for each user from various passive characteristics about their device and browser, with the exact data points dependent on your active privacy level.

Unlike cookies, our system does not store this JavaScript file on the user's device. It remains on our database, and TWIPLA actively identifies returning visitors with a 90 to 95% accuracy rate by referencing this unique fingerprint.

This high level of accuracy provides a perfect balance between reliable site metrics and user privacy, delivering the essential insights for informed business decisions and improved user experience without compromising the identities of website visitors.

Cookieless Website Analytics - visitor fingerprint options - TWIPLA Website Intelligence
TWIPLA's Cookieless Tracking Explained

Three Fingerprinting Modes

With TWIPLA, you can choose exactly what user data is used to create the fingerprint identifiers, with three options available. We call them privacy modes because they're designed to make it easy to calibrate fingerprint data capture to different global laws.

Generally speaking, we build a fingerprint in Light Privacy mode using the user's IP address, visited page history, screen resolution, and also visitor location. And as you go up to Medium Privacy and then GDPR Privacy, the number of data points we use gets smaller.

So go to the privacy center. Set the capture level with one click. You'll find functionality of some tools reduces as you go up through the modes. But this is necessary, ensuring you can find a balance between analytics and compliance with the laws impacting you.

Collect fingerprints on all website vistitors


Gain Insight into ALL Visitors in All Fingerprinting Modes

When using one of TWIPLA’s three lower data privacy modes, visitors need to consent to data capture under data privacy laws.

But thanks to our dual tracking code options, you now have the opportunity to collect a legitimate data fundament on those that opt-out, in line with Maximum Privacy Mode logic.

So choose TWIPLA, get insight into all your customers, and arm your online strategies with the actionable data you need to reach your goals faster.

Cookieless Website Analytics - no fingerprint option - TWIPLA Website Intelligence
TWIPLA's Cookieless Tracking Explained

Additional No-Fingerprint Mode

Our system defaults to a fourth Maximum Privacy Mode, which is the securest cookieless tracking level. It doesn't use fingerprinting or any other identifying technology that is considered personal data under either GDPR or the EU ePrivacy Directive.

Instead it only records visitor locations and HTTP requests, which are essentially page loads. It also tracks returning users and screen resolutions approximately. This further minimizes the risk to user privacy, and makes TWIPLA compliant with all privacy laws globally.

And since it fully aggregates data, this means that you can identify trends and patterns from collective visitor behavior rather than individual users. This keeps them safe, and makes this the ethical choice for those conscious about data privacy in the digital age.

Why Use Cookieless Website Analytics?

Here's Five Good Reasons to Adopt Cookieless Tracking

Cookieless Website Analytics - unblockable - TWIPLA Website Intelligence
Reason #1

Unblockable Visitor Tracking

Today, tracking cookies are unreliable. Safari, Firefox and Edge block them by default, and Chrome will be doing the same soon. These platforms account for 94% of browser usage, and their default decreases cookie-based analytics data collection significantly.

People are also becoming increasingly aware of the risks cookies pose to their personal data security. Millions are using ad blockers, which block cookies and other tracking technologies, and nearly half of all internet users now also reject tracking cookies when prompted.

By contrast, blocking cookieless tracking is almost impossible. We passively collect data points that are essential for sites to work. And while some advanced tools can limit fingerprinting, they're very hard to block entirely without harming the browsing experience.

Cookieless Website Analytics - better visitor data privacy - TWIPLA Website Intelligence
Reason #2

Increased Visitor Data Security

Even at the lightest privacy mode, our cookieless tracking system collects less directly-identifiable information than traditional cookies. It then fully aggregates, anonymizes, and scrubs data of unnecessary identifiers to add an additional layer of user security.

We also only store data on our database rather than on the user's device. This server-side storage enables TWIPLA to prioritize your visitors' fundamental right to privacy, and to offer a more secure approach to website analytics than other cookie-based alternatives.

This all reduces data vulnerability. TWIPLA minimizes the risk of personal data being extracted from cookies in cross-script attacks (XSS). It stops third parties from tracking or profiling users, and preserves their anonymity even in the event of a data breach.

Cookieless Website Analytics - complies with all privacy laws - TWIPLA Website Intelligence
Reason #3

Respects Global Data Laws

We at TWIPLA champion privacy; it stands at the core of our identity and we view it as a social benefit. We avoid using cookies because strict data privacy laws regulate them, placing heavy compliance duties on businesses.

The GDPR and similar regulations require user consent for storing data on their devices, which includes cookies and other types of in-browser storage. Additionally, laws such as the ePrivacy Directive require consent for querying data on a user's device, affecting technologies like fingerprinting and screen resolution querying.

Our three fingerprinting modes offer the versatility to tailor data capture to the user protection laws of each country, while our default Maximum Privacy Mode allows you to operate TWIPLA in full compliance with global data protection regulations.

Cookieless Website Analytics - remove cookie banner - TWIPLA Website Intelligence
Reason #4

Remove the Cookie Banner

By default, our cookieless tracking system complies with all data protection laws. We also work closely with our legal team to sustain this in the future. So use TWIPLA and legitimately bypass all visitor consent requirements in the context of generating analytics insights.

Do this, and you can remove your cookie banner. This will eliminate something that annoys visitors, and which acts as a barrier to data collection. So use our cookieless tracking technology and improve the look and functionality of your website. Bring the UX to life.

Removing the cookie banner can also show website visitors that you are committed to protecting their data. And by not relying on potentially intrusive tracking technologies, this can work to build trust with internet users who are increasingly privacy-conscious.

Cookieless Website Analytics - collect more data - TWIPLA Website Intelligence
Reason #5

Collect More Visitor Data

The cookie consent banner acts as an ugly barrier to data capture, and is normally rejected by website visitors. Since most internet browsers block tracking cookies by default, this makes the vast majority of visitor data invisible to cookie-based analytics.

By contrast, cookieless tracking significantly increases data capture. Some clients are collecting five times more than before. This makes TWIPLA a great sole analytics solution, as well as a useful secondary tool for identifying inaccuracies from cookie-based alternatives.

So adopt cookieless tracking and increase the accuracy of your insights. Use TWIPLA to understand website performance better. Give visitors more of what they want, and increase the effectiveness of your website optimization activities at meeting business goals.
