Privacy Center

Out-of-the-Box Compliance With All Laws

Use the Privacy Center to Customize Data Capture

Privacy Center - TWIPLA Website Intelligence
Introducing the Privacy Center

Intuitive Data Collection Settings

TWIPLA turns visitor data into rich insights about site performance, and the Privacy Center controls data capture across our analytics solution in one place. It also houses the legal documents related to data privacy compliance, which you can view or download at will.

On activation, TWIPLA is set to Maximum Privacy Mode by default. This means that without touching the Privacy Center, our analytics platform can be used in complete compliance with all global data privacy laws - keeping you compliant and your visitor data safe.

But it can be calibrated. Choose from three lighter modes that align with different regional standards, or customize country-level capture to the laws protecting individual visitors. Use the Privacy Center to maximize legimate data capture and enhance insight accuracy.

TWIPLA's Dynamic Privacy Center

Tailor Functionality to Your Preferences

Privacy Center - Global privacy compliance by default - TWIPLA Website Intelligence
Maximum Privacy Mode By Default

Meet All Data Laws From Day 1

TWIPLA comes calibrated to Maximum Privacy Mode on first launch. At this privacy level, website visitors are completely anonymized. It means that businesses can leverage their users' data in complete compliance with GDPR, ePrivacy, and every other global privacy law.

Using TWIPLA in this mode has a range of other advantages. It removes complicated and time-consuming legal compliance responsibilities. It also allows you to remove the cookie consent banner that diminishes website design and functionality for users.

This consent banner also acts as an ugly barrier to data collection. And without it, TWIPLA collects up to five times more data. This translates into significantly higher accuracy of insight, making our platform a potent privacy-perfect guide to website optimization.

Privacy Center - Four data privacy modes - TWIPLA Website Intelligence
Four Data Privacy Modes

One-Click Platform Calibration

As a global analytics provider, many of our clients work within less restrictive data privacy frameworks. So away from Maximum Privacy Mode, the Privacy Center also offers three lower data privacy modes: Light Privacy, Medium Privacy, and GDPR Privacy.

Each of these modes align data capture with different region-specific privacy standards for ease of use. The Privacy Center has also been designed to be as user-friendly as possible: simply set TWIPLA's platform-wide privacy level with one click and you're away.

And while all four levels use cookieless tracking, the three lighter modes leverage fingerprinting technology. What distinguishes these levels is the number of passive data points from user device and browsing preferences that they use to create visitor identifiers.

Privacy Center - Custom country data collection - TWIPLA Website Intelligence
Custom Country Data

Optimize Local Data Capture

Businesses ultimately have to respect the data privacy laws that protect their website visitors on a local level. And given this, we've designed the Privacy Center so that you can quickly calibrate to a different privacy level for each country of origin around the world.

This enables you to boost legitimate data capture. At the moment, places like Papua New Guinea, Bangladesh and Venezuela have no data privacy legislation and using the same privacy level for these visitors as for those in the EU reduces data collection unnecessarily.

So use the Privacy Center to customize functionality on a country-by-country basis. Maximize legitimate capture within the boundaries set by national and regional laws, and find the perfect balance between privacy and the need for data-driven decision-making.

TWIPLA's Four Data Privacy Modes

Four Clear Privacy Center Levels

Our different data privacy modes give you complete flexibility to calibrate TWIPLA's functionality to the exact requirements of your business and legal environment. Make TWIPLA work for you and get the accurate, data-driven guidance that drives online success.

So use Maximum Privacy Mode and don't worry about privacy. Alternatively, choose a different level for each of your websites. Change the overarching privacy level whenever you want. Set a different one for each visitor country of origin. The choice is yours.

Privacy Center - Privacy level 1 - TWIPLA Website Intelligence
Privacy Center – Level 1

Light Privacy Mode

Light Privacy Mode is the lowest level available from TWIPLA. It requires consent from users to collect data, and this is dependent on each visitor's location. But this level meets legal requirements in most regions outside the EU because standards are much lower.

Much like all the four Privacy Center levels, it doesn't use tracking cookies. Instead, it uses advanced fingerprinting technology to generate each website visitor profile and to then identify them if they return for another browsing session at any point in the future.

In Light Privacy Mode, the functionality of every TWIPLA tool is maximized - providing a wide range of fascinating insights. It records each visitor's individual page history, and also tracks them in-site by leveraging their IP address, screen resolution, and location.

Privacy Center - Privacy level 2 - TWIPLA Website Intelligence
Privacy Center – Level 2

Medium Privacy Mode

This mode requires visitor consent dependent on their location. It meets some key data privacy requirements in Germany and the EU, specifically BGH, Urteil vom 16. Mai 2017 - VI ZR 135/13 and ECJ Judgment in Case C-582/14, dated October 19, 2016 respectively.

And like with Light Privacy Mode, it also leverages advanced fingerprinting technology to generate each website visitor profile and to then recognize them again if they return for another browsing session that day or at some point further down the road.

But in Medium Privacy Mode, TWIPLA doesn't store or use the user's IP address. And beyond this key difference, it operates in the same way as Light Privacy Mode, leveraging data such as the page history, returning visitor details, location, and screen resolution preferences.

A graphic representing Consentless Tracking

Dual Tracking Code Options

Not Using Maximum Privacy Mode? Continue Collecting Data on All Your Visitors

When using one of TWIPLA’s three lower data privacy modes, visitors need to consent to data capture under data privacy laws.

But thanks to our dual tracking code options, you now have the opportunity to collect a legitimate data fundament on those that opt-out, in line with Maximum Privacy Mode logic.

So choose TWIPLA, get insight into all your customers, and arm your online strategies with the actionable data you need to reach your goals faster.

Privacy Center - Privacy level 3 - TWIPLA Website Intelligence
Privacy Center – Level 3

GDPR Privacy Mode

GDPR Privacy Mode complies with GDPR, one of the strictest global data privacy regulations. GDPR has also been used as the model for many other data privacy laws around the world, meaning that GDPR Privacy Mode meets all data privacy frameworks outside the EU.

And as with the two previous lighter privacy levels available from the Privacy Center, it also uses fingerprinting technology to generate each website visitor profile and to then identify them if they come back for another browsing session at some point in the future.

But in GDPR Privacy Mode, TWIPLA anonymizes each visitor's IP address and the path they took to arrive at your site. It doesn't allow you to see what time they visited or the pages they viewed during the session. But you'll still be able to see their page visit count.

Privacy Center - Privacy level 4 - TWIPLA Website Intelligence
Privacy Center – Level 4

Maximum Privacy Mode

Maximum Privacy Mode is our highest data privacy level, and a benchmark in the emerging privacy-first website analytics sector. It can be used legally without consent under both GDPR and ePrivacy, as well as under every other global data privacy law.

Unlike the other three modes, it doesn't use fingerprinting or any identifying technology whatsoever. IP address tracking and the recording of individual page histories are also both disabled. Instead it uses HTTP requests to track returning visitors approximately.

Additionally, the website visitor's exact screen resolution setting is no longer accessed from their internet browsing software. Instead, this data privacy mode leverages the viewport size as determined by the page Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) to set an approximate value.

Data Protection and Privacy

There are different laws governing data privacy in each country and region around the world, but data privacy is our top priority.

We ensure that our platform complies with all these regulations by staying up to data with these evolving international standards.

Click on any of the links below to discover more about each law.
