TWIPLA As Alternative To Hotjar

What is Hotjar?

Hotjar is one of the most important competitors in the field of collecting insights from the user experience of your website. It also offers features in the area of user feedback tools, such as polls and surveys. Data such as the Hotjar heatmap shows valuable information that enables website owners to better understand their users. 

While Hotjar has been a reliable provider of these services for many years, it hasn’t expanded to a fully-featured website analytics solution. In this sense, Hotjar does not show website statistics like the number of unique visitors, referral traffic sources, page views, etc. 

About Alternative to Hotjar

Which is the best alternative to Hotjar

Hotjar is a popular platform for website owners looking to unlock website performance and user behavior insights. However, TWIPLA is far cheaper; unlike Hotjar, all our features are available in every pricing plan, and our privacy-perfect technology knocks Hotjar's cookie-based approach out of the park.

The company offers a basic free-forever option that has a low daily sessions limit. All their features can be unlocked by signing up to their top-tier pricing plan, which costs nearly $200 a month. TWIPLA is also cheaper at every pricing point, and the different pricing levels are better aligned with the different cycles of business growth.


he table below shows a comparison between Hotjar and TWIPLA in regards to features, privacy and, of course, pricing. Make sure you consider all the necessary aspects when adding an analytics tracking code to your website.

  1. Statistics
  2. User Behaviour Analytics
  3. Chat
  4. SEO
  5. Privacy
  6. White Label
  7. Reviews
  8. Pricing
FeaturesTWIPLAAlternative to HotjarComments
↪ Visitors [?] 
↪ Geolocation [?] 
↪Traffic Structure [?]
↪ Social Media Tracker [?]Upcoming! See our roadmap please. 
↪ Competition Analysis [?] 
↪ UTM Campaign Tracker [?] 
User Behaviour Analytics 
↪ Event Tracking [?] 
↪ Session Recordings [?] 
↪ Heatmaps [?] 
↪ Funnels [?] 
Visitor Interaction 
↪ Polls [?] 
↪ Surveys [?] 
ChatUpcoming! See our roadmap please. 
↪ Support Agents [?]Upcoming! See our roadmap please. 
↪ Auto-Messages [?]Upcoming! See our roadmap please. 
↪ Scheduled Messages [?]Upcoming! See our roadmap please. 
↪ Rulebased Messages [?]Upcoming! See our roadmap please. 
↪ Marketing Attribution [?]Upcoming! See our roadmap please. 
SEOUpcoming! See our roadmap please. 
↪ Keyword Analysis [?]Upcoming! See our roadmap please. 
↪ Content Ideas [?]Upcoming! See our roadmap please. 
↪ Core Web Vitals (CWV) [?]Upcoming! See our roadmap please. 
Privacy [?] 
↪ Data Storage Location [?]Germany ?  
↪ GDPR (compliant even without a cookie consent banner) (EU) [?] ?  
↪ CCPA (compliant even without a cookie consent banner) (California) [?] ?  
↪ PIPEDA (compliant even without a cookie consent banner) (Canada) [?] ?  
↪ PECR (compliant even without a cookie consent banner) (UK) [?] ?  
↪ LGPD (compliant even without a cookie consent banner) (Brazil) [?] 
↪ TTDSG (compliant even without a cookie consent banner) (Germany) [?] 
↪ Data Processing Agreement (DPA) available [?] 
↪ No Consent Banner needed (MPM mode active) [?] 
White Label [?] 
↪ White Label available [?] 
↪ Own Logo possible [?] 
↪ Own Colors possible [?] 
↪ Own Font possible [?] ?  
Reviews [?] 
↪ Capterra [?] ★★★★★ (225) Details will be updated soon.  
↪ Wix [?] ★★★★★ (1,225) Details will be updated soon.  
↪ G2 [?] ★★★★★ (20) Details will be updated soon.  
↪ GetApp [?] ★★★★★ (225) Details will be updated soon.  
↪ Crozdesk [?] ★★★★★ (20) Details will be updated soon.  
↪ SaasWorthy [?] ★★★★★ (252) Details will be updated soon.  
↪ SoftwareSuggest [?] ★★★★★ (43) Details will be updated soon.  
↪ Sourceforge [?] ★★★★★ (4) Details will be updated soon.  
Pricing [?] 
↪ Pay as you grow [?] 
↪ Pricing Options [?] 

TWIPLA vs Hotjar features

Product Features TWIPLA Hotjar
Website Visitor Stats
Web Page Traffic Stats
Device, OS, Browser Statistics
UTM Campaign Management
Visitor Recordings
Visitor Heatmaps
Conversion Funnels
Incoming Customer Feedback
Feedback Polls
Form Analytics

At this time, TWIPLA and Hotjar only share three features: visitor recordings (also known as session replays), heatmaps and funnels

TWIPLA is also known for providing a full website analytics package, with visitor stats, page stats, device, OS and browser statistics and more along these lines. 

Hotjar does not have this analytics cluster. Instead, it offers features for generating and operating polls and surveys, form analytics, plus the possibility for instant feedback from users, on any website element. TWIPLA has the polls, surveys and form analytics in development.

Visitor recording feature compared


  • Both apps give the option to either record all visits to the website (regardless of the visited website pages) or visits to a specific page. Also available, selecting a set of pages that are similar (the same URL path).
  • With both Hotjar and TWIPLA, you can apply conditions to record. You can choose to record only click & scroll sessions, as well as select only visits with a certain minimum duration.
  • The overview of the recordings is similar. You can see a list of recordings, with an identifier about the user (respecting privacy), when he/she visited, the referrer URL (telling us where the user is coming from), the entry and exit page, nr of pages visited, duration of the session 
  • Both have filters for country, OS, browser, devices, page count, favorite/starred videos, entry url, exit url


  • Hotjar allows you to apply a filter to only record visits with more than 30 seconds. TWIPLA lets the website owner set the minimum duration him-/her-self. 
  • The recordings overview gives more detail about the recorded session. See each URL the visitor accessed (in addition to the entry and exit pages). Check if the session is from a returning or a new visitor. See the browser, the OS and device used.
  • Directly from the overview, you can manage your recordings by marking them as favorites, as seen or unseen 

Hotjar Extras:

Some extra filters are available, but only for the Business plan

  • rage clicks (identifies when a user repeatedly clicks, clicks, clicks)
  • u-turns (identifies when a user turns back before taking an action)
  • referrer URL
  • incoming feedback (connected to another Hotjar feature)
  • Net Promoter Score (connected to another Hotjar feature)

Other differences:

Other differences have to do with the number of visitor recordings available for each package. Hotjar has limits to the number of recordings only in the free plan. For the rest, the limit is only based on number of pageviews/day. 

TWIPLA has some limits for the maximum number of recordings. Yet, from the Advanced plan upwards, the limit is very high (25,000 recordings) and is unlikely to be reached quickly by most users. When not needed anymore, recordings can be deleted, in order to stay within the limits of the plan.


There is almost no difference between the two apps, in terms of Visitor Recordings. TWIPLA displays a bit more options directly in the overview.

However, Hotjar is a more advanced tool when it comes to the Business plan, which costs at least 89 EURO/month. If you don’t need any of the extra filters, getting TWIPLA at a much lower price (between $2.99 and $39.99, when paid monthly) is a sensible choice. 

Heatmap feature compared


  • The heatmap technology is the same. Both apps overlay heatmaps on top of a page screenshot taken at the first visit after the setup.
  • Both show heatmaps for clicks, taps, mouse movement and scroll depth, and they generate a similar-looking heatmap report. 
  • Options to view the heatmap based on device (desktop, tablet, smartphone).
  • Heatmaps can be reset in both apps, in a similar way. 
  • A table of the data that the visuals are based on is available. 
  • You can generate heatmaps for a specific page or for similar pages (e.g.product pages).

TWIPLA Extras: 

  • TWIPLA also shows the map of the countries where page-views came from when generating the heatmap. 

Hotjar Extras:

  • In Hotjar, there is the extra option to track users who trigger a JavaScript snippet
  • In Hotjar, you can set up the heatmap to exclude elements like pop-ups or iframes from the data visualization  

Other differences:

Other differences have to do with the limitations to the number of pageviews gathered in order to generate a heatmap. 

TWIPLA has options up to 8,000 page-views per heatmap. Beyond that, the heatmap can no longer gather new data. 

Hotjar has similar limitations, based on the plan the user has chosen: max. 1,000 page-views for the Basic plan, max. 2,000 for the Plus plan, max. 10,000 for Business 


All in all, the functionality and ease of use are very similar. Hotjar has some very specific extras, that will most likely be needed only by very advanced users. Also taking into account the pricing packages available, TWIPLA can be seen as a viable Hotjar alternative for heatmaps

Funnel feature comparison


  • The entire technology and display are practically the same. 
  • Both show conversion rates and drop-outs at every step of the funnel.
  • Both link to video recordings to find out more about the reasons for the dropouts in the funnel.

TWIPLA Extras: -

Hotjar Extras:

  • Hotjar has an unlimited number of steps in the setup of the funnel, while TWIPLA has a maximum of 8 steps per funnel. However, a funnel with more than 8 steps probably relies on a complicated path to a conversion. It would not be recommended.

Other differences:

To get unlimited funnels (but keeping in mind the maximum number of page-views per day), you can choose any Hotjar plan upward of 29 EURO/month. 

TWIPLA doesn’t offer unlimited funnels, but even starting at $10.39/month you get 4 funnels. If users don’t want to track more than 8 different conversion funnels at the same time, there is no need to spend more. The highest plan goes to 16 funnels, which should be more than enough for most users. 

TWIPLA vs Hotjar pricing

Note: the table only compares common features for the 2 services. Please remember that for the displayed prices, users also receive other features - the full website statistics module for TWIPLA; the user feedback module for Hotjar.

  Hotjar pricing TWIPLA pricing  
Free forever / Basic Free
Up to 1,000 pageviews/heatmap
Data from max. 2,000 pageviews/day
300 recordings +
3 heatmaps, funnels, forms, polls and surveys
25 recordings
1 heatmap
1 funnel
1 poll
1 survey
Personal Plus 29 Euro/month
Up to 2,000 pageviews/heatmap
Unlimited number of recordings, heatmaps, funnels and other reports
Limited to data from max 10,000 pageviews/day
From $2.39 / month
Up to 500 pageviews
100 recordings
1 heatmap
1 funnel
1 poll
1 survey
Business From 89 Euro to 989 Euro/month
Up to 10,000 pageviews/heatmap
Everything in Personal Plus
Removal of Hotjar branding
Higher limits to pageviews/day:
The biggest package corresponds to 800,000 pageviews/day
Custom packages available beyond 800k pageviews
From $10.39 / month
Up to 10,000 pageviews
500 recordings
4 heatmaps
4 funnels
2 poll
2 survey
Agency Variable pricing
Rebranding available (white-label)
Extended 30-day free trial
Possibility to share with clients
From $19.99/month
Up to 25,000 pageviews
2,500 recordings
15 heatmaps
8 funnels
3 poll
3 survey
    From $31.99/month
Up to 50,000 pageviews
5,000 recordings
25 heatmaps
16 funnels
7 poll
7 survey

In conclusion, if you are interested in Visitor Recordings, Heatmaps or Funnels, TWIPLA offers almost the same functionality as Hotjar, at a much lower price. The package limitations are only relevant if the customer is a high-end company, with a website that receives hundreds of thousands of visits per day. In this case, Hotjar would be a more suitable tool. TWIPLA is an affordable alternative to Hotjar, that most users should take into consideration.
