A conversion page is a web page that someone considers important for the success of his/her website: a payment page, a thank you page or a submitted form are just some examples.
In the vast majority of cases, the number of conversions dictates the success of a business.
About Conversion Pages
The conversion is a marketing metric that defines the number of visitors or users who got convinced to take a certain action that resulted in the benefit of a business.
A conversion page is a web page that is considered important by the website owner/ admin t for generating conversions.
Conversion pages are different for each website and each type of business, as one might consider a purchase a conversion, while others can count a subscription or a registration as a conversion.
In the app, users decide on their own which web pages count as conversion pages and are able to configure the ones that they consider important for their business. In the Pages Menu → Conversions, a list of all the pages previously set up as conversion pages will be shown, with the number of converted visitors and percentage, for each page.