A deep link is a hyperlink pointing to content on a particular web page, instead of the home page of a website. Deep linking is the practice of using this type of hyperlinks.
Deep linking can have an effect on the authority of a page, in addition to increasing domain authority. This can be used for SEO purposes.
What is deep linking?
Deep linking refers to the practice of setting up particular web pages, instead of the home pages, as the target of one or more hyperlinks. Technically, there is no difference between these two types of hyperlinking. However, deep linking is more practical for users, pointing them directly to the source of a piece of information. Otherwise, they would be forced to take the extra step of searching for that particular piece of content on the entire target website. Furthermore, deep linking can be important for SEO purposes, as it increases the authority of any page, in addition to having an effect on domain authority. Internal linking on a website (linking web pages from the same domain) is also a form of deep linking.