A web browser is an app with the primary function of retrieving information resources from the web, transforming them into human-readable content and displaying them on user’s devices.
What is a browser?
A web browser (or browser for short) is a software application used for accessing the Internet. The purpose of a browser is to fetch data and information from the World Wide Web and display it on devices. There are dedicated browsers for different types of devices (mobile, desktop) and all major web browsers have mobile versions. Browsers are used for accessing and displaying websites and other sorts of content that is created in HTML and XML. HTML is the standardized Hypertext Markup Language for documents created for the browser to display, while XML is the extensive version of it. These types of languages are in most cases boosted with CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and JS (JavaScript) technologies. CSS has the role of adapting content in a visual manner across multiple devices and separating fonts, layouts, colors and other elements, while JS is used for creating dynamic content.