Keyword density refers to the number (as a %) of the same keyword within a given piece of content with a specific number of words.
To calculate the ratio of the keywords, use the formula:
(The total number of times the keyword is used in your content/Total number of words of analyzed content) * 100.
What is keyword density?
Keyword density, referred to as keyword frequency as well, represents the frequency (percentage) of a keyword within a piece of content. To calculate the keyword density of a page or an article, divide the number of times a specific keyword is mentioned by the total number of words on the page.
Keyword density formula
(The total number of times the keyword is used in your content/Total number of words of analyzed content) * 100.
Note: When calculating keyword density, ignore HTML tags and other embedded tags that will not be displayed on the page when the content is published.
If your content has 500 words and the same keyword is used 10 times, then the keyword density is
(10/500)*100 = 2%.
What is the optimum keyword density?
Currently, there is no accurate way to know how many keywords a page is allowed to have in order to avoid keyword stuffing and to get a proper keyword density and high ranking in search engine results.
On the other hand, keyword density depends on the content, context, and time as well; a viral article in the news about something that was just released by a well-established company may need significantly fewer keywords to rank highly than an older evergreen blog post.
However, some unofficial guidelines recommend a limit of 1 keyword per 200 words of content in order to be indexed and to avoid penalties from search engines.