TWIPLA is 100% GDPR-ready!

Disclaimer: Please note that we are not a law firm and this is not a piece of legal advice! The information in this blog post is provided for general informational purposes only, and may not reflect your legal/GDPR needs.

To make sure that you (and/or your business) are GDPR compliant, we highly recommend you to consult an attorney.

In the past, we covered all the GDPR hustle in a few steps and our customers were really happy about it!

As promised, we are back with some amazing news! We know that all of our clients were concerned about being GDPR compliant if you are using an analytics tool and many were wondering if the Wix Market Apps are 100% GDPR-ready. The answer is "yes".

In a few words, the General Data Privacy Regulation (GDPR) is the most important change in data privacy regulation in 20 years and it is designed to harmonize data privacy laws across Europe and to protect all EU citizens’ data privacy.

What if You're Not Located in the EU?

As a business owner, website admin or organization that offers goods or services to (or monitor the behavior of) EU data subjects you will have to comply with it. Therefore, if you have EU customers or visitors from anyone residing in the European Union, you have to respect the GDPR no matter where you are located. Note: non-compliance may face heavy fines.

The team behind our app worked a lot in the past year to make sure that everything is not only GDPR compliant but easy to understand and implement as well for all the website owners out there. As you can imagine, it was not easy, but we managed it. So, here is the good news!

How Is TWIPLA GDPR-Compliant?

We created a brand new section about our GDPR commitment — a page about what is GDPR and how do we comply and safeguard the personal data.

Since we, as an analytics solution, are the processors for the website owners, we also prepared a Data Processing Agreement for everyone having an account! You can find it in your TWIPLA Settings and sign it (if needed)! 

If you do not own a business, you can fill in your name or your website; however, the contract will be governed by business laws.

There is an IP anonymization tool too (Germany, we hope you will like this feature!), changed the Communication preferences and made all the docs easy to sign and download!

About Your Privacy Policy

Most probably you are wondering what to insert in your privacy policy if you are using our tool, so we covered this too here.

Update: please note that we no longer use cookies to track visitor activity, which simplifies the infromation you need to add.

We hope you find this useful! If you have any questions for us, at TWIPLA, just drop us an e-mail to!
