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  • Best TWIPLA Features: 4 Essential Tools with Real-Life Examples

How can we choose the best TWIPLA features when there are just so many to choose from?

Indeed, there's so many valuable insights about your website visitors that are just waiting to be discovered with our website intelligence platform! Each and every one of them can help you evaluate your website performance and then make better decisions! But do you also know how to use these essential features and insights?

We want to simplify your everyday analytics and also help you to improve your data-driven decision-making. So we associated each stat with a use case, so that you can get your head around them easily.

And without further ado, here's our pick of what we think are the 4 best TWIPLA features, and how your business can also take advantage of them!

1. Website Visitors Path and History

Best TWIPLA Feature for Mapping User Journeys

With TWIPLA you can map out visitors’ journey and also see how they interacted with your web pages so that you may improve content and engagement. You can see the list of pages visited by each visitor, with a timestamp, as well as the visitor's country and approximate locations.

You can also see their IP (if you did not anonymize it), device type, OS, browser and also any of their past activity on your website.

This is one of the best TWIPLA features! And we can offer it to you because unlike many other analytics products, TWIPLA has its own tracking system.

Example Use Case

Alex owns a Bed and Breakfast in the countryside. On his website, he also promotes traditional homemade products and souvenirs made by the people in the village. He uses TWIPLA to see how many visitors came to his website to book a room, check out the products available, and also request them. This way, he can then see if any specific part of the site can be turned into a successful side hustle.

2. Referral Sites

Best TWIPLA Feature for Traffic Origin

The referring sites feature from TWIPLA will show you what domains, including search engines, are driving traffic towards your website. It basically allows you to see how many visitors you have from each referring site and also on which pages the visitors landed. Simply put, it's one of the best TWIPLA features because it gives you information about where your website visitors are coming from!

Example Use Case

Rona and her team recently launched a fitness app and also started collaborating with influencers in the industry. Their main goal at the moment is to create awareness of their company. She uses TWIPLA to check traffic on the app website, and also to see from which blogs and websites visitors came to her own site. This way she then knows what are the most valuable sources that can make her app grow.

3. Visitor Map and Locations

Best TWIPLA Feature for User Location Research

There are of course multiple ways of knowing your visitors’ location. These include the TWIPLA map and live Visitors map, as well as via the visitors’ distribution per country and city.

But all these tools are also located in the same place - find them in the menu under Visitors.

On the virtual map, you can see the visitors’ approximate location in the world. And, maybe you'll also see that a large cluster of visitors are located in the same place. If so, just click on it and it will be broken down into smaller clusers based on your visitors' precise locations and distribution. Alternatively, you can play around with the location and see the top countries and cities that your visitors come from.

Example Use Case

Monika has dedicated her life to raising funds for underprivileged children from European countries. Her NGO grew really fast and she also managed to attract money from several different countries. By checking the Map in TWIPLA, Amy can see the location of her site visitors. This way she is able to decide on what languages she should translate her websites’ content, in order to improve the user experience for foreigners.

4. TWIPLA Overview

Leverage Other Key Website Statistics

Well, this is not an actual feature, but the TWIPLA overview offers a sneak peek of all your stats and their performance without making any clicks. So, not actually a feature but still one of the best TWIPLA features!

When it comes to website analytics, the most popular metrics are the Visitors, Unique Visitors, and also Page Visits. These enable you to easily see the total number of website visitors, as well as the average number of pages they view in a session. What's more, you can also see at a glance what percentage of them actually interact with different webpages. And if you want to go deeper, you can also see a short color-code comparison with historical data.

Example Use Case

Debs is a very busy businesswoman. She owns a small restaurant and also a successful cooking blog. She is aware of how important it is to know her target audience in order to then offer them relevant information. But, while juggling her business and blog, she does not in effect have time to learn how to interpret complex analytics. With TWIPLA she simply logs in from her phone and then sees all the data she is interested in at one glance: the number of visitors and new visitors as well as the number of page visits!

Try the Best TWIPLA Features Yourself!

Let's finish with a few questions.

What's your favorite TWIPLA feature? Also, do you identify with any of the people in the above use case examples? Think about it and also let us know in what ways has TWIPLA helped you out with your business! If you are interested in this subject, you should also check this article on business decisions and on understanding website analytics.

Also, don't forget about our affiliate campaign! You can help others understand their site stats and also earn some money while doing so — 20% of their payments to be more precise!

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