TWIPLA Survey Module
Surveys have stood the test of time, and remain one of the best ways to get direct feedback from your audience. However, it can be hard to find a survey tool that will enable you to analyze the data itself - one of the most time-consuming aspects of this marketing work.
But don’t worry - we’ve got you covered! Our TWIPLA Survey Module will walk you through a simple and fully customizable survey creation process, before automatically analyzing the collected data. Survey says…. it’s a pretty useful tool, and the reviews are none too shabby either!
Our survey tool speeds up the creation of good surveys, by enabling you to choose from a predefined list of question categories such as long/short text questions, multiple choice, scale, rating, email address, website link, and so on.
Crucially, you can also divide the questions into pages so that the sheer number of questions isn't enough by itself to put customers off from answering it. You can also save your questions, and reuse them in other surveys and polls.
What’s more, you can automatically segment your surveys even before sending them out, by setting access rules on anything from geographic location to customer type. This little trick is a great way to increase the usefulness of any data you collect, and the speed of analysis that comes afterwards.
And here’s the icing on the cake; since this tool is part of our wider website analytics platform, you can use the survey feature alongside other website performance statistics and visitor behavioral tools to create a high resolution image of what’s happening on your website, and how to improve it effectively.
You’ve Surveyed the Surveys!
We hope that you now have a better understanding of the work that goes into creating good survey questions, and why they’re such an effective marketing tool!
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