Do you have customers? Do you want to make them happier? Do you want to know if they could be saying bad (or good) things behind your back? If the answer is a big “YES”, then indeed, Net Promoter Score (NPS) is still relevant!
Net Promoter Score was created in 2003 by Fred Reichheld of Bain & Company. Nineteen years later, not only has it retained its relevance, but grown in popularity, and is used across multiple industries - including many Fortune 500 companies.
Having said this, it is important to bear in mind that since NPS was developed, the world has changed. A LOT!
We customers have become slightly spoiled now, with the availability of next day and same day deliveries, supply chains have got faster and tighter - trying to keep up with our never-ending need to consume.
Essentially, now there are many factors that can make your customer fickle and, therefore, NPS alone may not be as relevant.
For instance, the customer may love everything about your company usually, but have a string of issues with one order (for a really important occasion) and (just at that moment), they hate you!
So, in that one survey, you will only have a reflection of their dissatisfaction now, where they may have been a steadfast promoter previously. With this in mind, it would be better to use other metrics together to get a more accurate view.
NPS is there to give you an easy way to track your customers’ loyalty and satisfaction. It is as relevant as you make it.
As previously mentioned, there are so many different and effective ways to survey your customers and get the information you need. It would be wise to spend some time looking into each and working out what is best for your business.
Sprinkle Some Survey Magic Into Your Marketing!
Thank you for reading to the end! We hope that this has been insightful, and that you now understand Net Promoter Score (NPS).
So, given all we have been through in this article, it is clear that Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a valuable metric which, used alone, enables you to see how customers are feeling about your company, but used in conjunction with other metrics can become a really powerful tool.
As such, it’s a great idea to use a survey tool within a website analytics platform like our very own TWIPLA. This way, you can combine visitor communication features, like surveys, with other features and ensure that the data you bring in is all available in one platform.
Feel free to share this information with others, and - if you liked this, you may be interested in Competition Analysis. This is yet another way to gain insights. Check out our platform here.
In the meantime, we hope that you find the best way for you and your customers to get your Happily Ever After!