What is a conversion funnel
The conversion funnel refers to the visitor’s journey on a website, who is going through several consecutive stages such as interest, desire and action, this way transforming form a simple visitor into a buyer/subscriber/lead/etc. The conversion funnel can help visualize this entire marketing process, making it more easily controllable.
Sometimes referred to as marketing or sales funnel is a marketing phrasing used for describing the journey of a customer form being a random visitor to becoming a buyer, subscriber, lead or another form of conversion. The analogy of the funnel is used to explain the way the visitor or user is guided through the decision-making process to the final step of purchasing a product, downloading a document, or taking any other relevant action on a website.
What is an example of a conversion funnel?
The funnel can have multiple stages for the visitor to glide through, but the most basic conversion funnel can be resumed to this: