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  • Monthly Musings — Website Intelligence News Roundup June 2023

Greetings all and welcome to June. It’s officially Summer.🌞

This year is whizzing by! One minute I am talking about pumpkin spice lattes - the next, it is almost Summer vacation time! 

As we’re halfway through the year, I figured now would be a good time for us all to stop for a minute and reflect on the year so far. How is business? Is there anything you could be doing better? 

Could you do with a little refresher? Some reminders? Some new ideas? As I almost always answer “yes” to these questions, I am going to share it all with you. I am going back to basics!


💡 This Made us Feel Smart

You know, you can have the absolute best product in the world, but if you don’t tell anyone, you won’t get far! So how do you do it? You could start by telling all your mates at the game - and rely on them to get the ball rolling (so to speak!). OR, you can market it well and watch it soar (ahem, sorry).

Personally, I like both options, however, the second will get results much quicker! We have written a guide to help get you on the right track: Ignite Your Marketing Success: Creating an Effective Strategy from Scratch. 

This should answer all your questions (and maybe even some you haven’t thought of yet)!



🎥 Something we Watched

At the beginning of any new venture, the greatest ideas and a ton of excitement propel us forward. But also during this time, we can often overlook the small but essential details which may enable our success. Explo Co-founder, Andrew Chen shares his top three tips for those starting out, in: 3 Key Things Any New Entrepreneur Should Consider.

Some of you may have seen this before. Indeed, I have shared the full length video previously. If you happened to miss it, you can see the full podcast with From Bio Research to Finance to Tech: The Story of a SaaS Start-up Founder (TWIP #3)

When I was thinking of going back to basics, I remembered Andrew’s top three tips and wanted to underline them and share them again. Occasionally, if I am stuck, I find it helpful to remember myself as a complete newb and listen to things again with fresh ears. It never fails to push me in the right direction!



✏️ Something we Wrote

Whether you’re just starting out, thinking of shaking things up, or if your online business is not performing quite as you expected, I have just the thing! Our lovely writers have been busy preparing this awesome guide for you. 

The most crucial thing people often forget is the importance of ensuring you get the basics right before anything else. As we all know, it can be very exciting to start a new venture, but it is during this period that important tasks can fall by the wayside. 

This is a great read, and you should find something here which will help in all stages of your journey. May I present to you, The Complete Guide to Getting the Fundamentals of Your Website Right

Enjoy it, and You’re welcome😀


🧱 Something We’ve Built

🎉Introducing with great excitement…

Custom Country Data (CCD). This little gem sits within our Dynamic Privacy Center, and you are going to like it. A lot! 

With CCD, you can customize the data processed and displayed in your platform by country - across all of our four privacy levels. So, if you find the complexity of privacy laws mind-boggling, and you have businesses operating in multiple regions, this feature could completely change your (business) life!

Given the massive crackdown on US Big Tech in the EU, the weeding out of third-party cookies, and the sunsetting of Universal Analytics (all in a fiercely competitive digital environment), aligning privacy and insight has never been so crucial. 

Worry ye not! TWIPLA's CCD feature is here specifically to help businesses operating in multiple regions. It is a huge time saver, and gives you the most comprehensive visitor data access possible while always remaining privacy compliant. 

On this note, while we were at it, we renamed all four pillars in our Privacy Center to easily reflect the privacy level of each section. You can now choose your settings from Light Privacy, Medium Privacy, GDPR Privacy, and Maximum Privacy. 

To explain briefly, with Light Protection, you have full control over which website data you track: IP Address, Pages History, Returning Visitors, Visitor Location, and Screen Resolutions, so all the information will be displayed by default within the platform. This option complies with the regulations of most regions outside the EU (this may depend on your or your visitors' location). 

With Maximum Protection, you are safeguarding your visitors' data to the fullest. Everything that is anonymized when using the lower levels is also anonymized within this level plus it complies with the regulations on lower levels such as GDPR - and the additional European Union ePrivacy regulation.

As you know, we are committed to helping businesses strike the perfect balance between privacy and value, and the launch of CCD reinforces this. 


📅 Events to Keep an Eye On

London Data Week - July 3rd - 9th 2023 - “Data in the public for the public”. This is going to be quite the event. If you happen to live in the area, why not go along? Although it is specific to London, I think it is a cracking idea and something all major cities could get behind. Take a look and see what you think! 

Affiliate World - July 12th-13th 2023, Barcelona - “Affiliate World is the offline meeting place for the world's top affiliate marketers and ecommerce entrepreneurs”. This conference has something for everyone, and takes place in gorgeous Barcelona! In the words of Affiliate World, “You will network with the industry’s brightest minds” Not only that, but it sounds like there’s a buzzing nightlife for those who fancy it! 

HCI International - 23- 28th July. This is the 25th International conference on Human-Computer interaction. This is a topic more relevant than ever. Join in person if you are in Copenhagen, Denmark. If not, you can join online. This is an absolutely packed conference and includes a total of eight workshops for those of you who like to get involved!


📰 The News Stories that Had us all Talking

News, News, News! 

UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak Speaks at Tenth London Tech Week => Read More from Reuters

British Airways, BBC and Boots Hit by Cyber Security Breach => Read More From Sky News

OpenAI’s Sam Altman Leads Calls to Regulate AI => Read More From The Guardian

Microsoft reserves $425M for LinkedIn GDPR penalty => Read More From Compliance Week

Entire Population of Turkey Had Personal Data Exposed Online => Read More From Restore Privacy



Am I writing what you want to read? Could you do with more of ‘this’ and less of ‘that’? Please feel free to leave me some feedback and/or suggestions by clicking one of the options below. 

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That's all for now. Stay smart and stay ahead of the curve with Website Intelligence. 

Best wishes,

Debs @TWIPLA - Your Customer Marketing Muse

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