Who actually likes cookie banners? As it turns out, not many away from Europe's lawmakers.
Businesses can invest a huge amount of money and effort into privacy compliance, with cookie banners the very tip of the iceberg. However the fast majority of them don't actually meet data privacy standards like GDPR.
Most website visitors also do everything in their power to limit personal data collection. This prevents much of the underlying martech from working properly, and makes these banners a waste of time.
And taken together, this means that only 0.1% of internet users accept legally compliant cookie consent banners.
This blog provides a bite-sized overview of cookie banners - what they are, how they can be designed to meet data privacy requirements, and why so many of them fall short of legislative expectations. It also explains what businesses can do to remove the need for these ugly barriers to data capture altogether.
Read the Blog: Why You Don't Actually Need a Cookie Banner