This feature is a game-changer! Depending on the insights you seek from watching a Session Recording, you might consider this absolutely essential.
With Visitor's Actions, you get to observe every single interaction made by the visitor—whether it's scrolling, mouse clicks, or focusing; you name it! This proves incredibly useful, especially when you're on a mission to identify a bug on your site and need to grasp precisely where the issue lies.
The Visitor’s Actions tab header displays first the number of normal visitor actions (NBEs) and highlights the number of alarming behavior events (ABEs) in red. This serves as a visual indicator of potential issues within the recorded session.
You can also now access a quick summary of all the visitor’s actions when hovering the Visitor's Actions tab (once clicked).
The "Session Recording" screen remains on the left. The only difference is that the screen opening on the right displays all the movements or actions that constitute the visit, second by second. This allows you to pause the video when needed, enabling you to pinpoint the exact visitor action corresponding to your investigation.
In this section of the module, you'll find a comprehensive display of all the actions, complete with timestamps and the "Jump to Action in Recording" button, symbolized by a clock icon. The URL for each action is also displayed below it, depending on the privacy settings.
This tool simplifies the process of moving through the recording, enabling you to effortlessly locate and review the key moments.