The General Statistics tab will give you a detailed view of the following information:
- Initiations: Shows the actual number of participants, which is the sum of "initiators" and those "participants that have fully completed the poll/survey". Initiators do not refer to participants who have fully completed the poll/survey. An initiator simply has initiated the poll/survey by answering at least 1 question but has not answered all questions.
- Responses: Shows the total numbser of responses or answers given by all participants to all questions.
- Dismisses: (Only available for Polls) Shows the number of participants who left the poll without moving on to the next question.
- Completion Rate: Displays the completion rate which is calculated for all participants. It cannot be fully determined until at least one participant has fully completed the poll/survey.
- Completion Time: The average is calculated for all participants. The number cannot be determined until at least one participant of a poll/survey has fully completed the poll/survey. Note: The time of completion cannot be determined for one-question polls/surveys. The poll needs to contain at least 2 questions overall so that the completion time can be calculated.
Below the above-mentioned KPIs, you will see a funnel analysis of the polls/survey questions. Each question and question category are placed in a vertical column. On the right side of each question, you will see the number of participants that responded to the question and the completion rate. Underneath, you will see the percentage of dropout and the number of participants that left the poll/survey without moving on to the next question. This helps you identify questions that hold participants from submitting the entire poll/survey.
The first level is consistently displayed in green at the top, followed by the succeeding levels and the last level is consistently shown at the bottom. The coloring is dependent on the completion rate: low (red), medium (yellow), and high (green).