Availability is calculated as follows: System availability (%) = (Annual total time - Unplanned downtime)/Annual total time "Availability" is the customer's ability to access the functions of the platform as agreed in the contract. "Scheduled Downtime" means the total time (in minutes) in a calendar year during which the Platform is unavailable due to scheduled system maintenance or other scheduled downtime. TWIPLA shall make all reasonable efforts to ensure that the scheduled system maintenance takes place between 1:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. CEST and that such system maintenance is announced in a reasonable time. The "system availability" in relation to the availability in a calendar year is the ratio expressed as a percentage when the customer subtracts the unplanned downtime in that calendar year from the total annual downtime in that year and then divides this difference by the total annual downtime in that year (see formula above). "Total annual time" includes all minutes of the relevant calendar year during the term of the contract. "Unplanned Downtime" means the total time (in minutes) of unavailability in a calendar year excluding planned downtime and downtime caused by circumstances beyond TWIPLA's control. Such circumstances include, without limitation, (i) breaches of the terms of this Contract by the Customer, (ii) non-compliance by the Customer with the terms of this SLA, (iii) incompatibility of the Customer's hardware or software with the agreed requirements relating to the use of the Services, including the requirements set out in the Access Protocols, (iv) poor or inadequate performance of the Systems or the Customer, (v) use of the Services by the Customer that significantly exceeds the agreed volume, or (vi) Force Majeure (as defined in the Contract). |