TWIPLA is an analytics app which makes your website traffic easy to read and understand. You can just see from where your audience came from (referrals), IP & location, device, display size, operating system, browsers.
We can only provide you with analytics about your website, so you can get a better overview on how your performing or how to communicate more. Due to some privacy policies, analytics apps are not allowed to collect emails or company names. If you want to get subscribers, we highly recommend you to add another type of app from the Wix app market and stay in touch with your customers.
There are many great mailing services which you can use to collect your users' email address and then send them some nice newsletters and share your most valuable content. Please remember that they need to provide their email address voluntarily in order to receive your emails.
Through our app, you can have access to real-time data about your page visits, visitors, browsers, bounce rate, country, user location and many other stats depending on your subscription. Privacy laws and new GDPR regulations do not allow us to either collect or share user personal information. On the other hand, Wix has its own policy and it doesn't give us access to specific information about our customer users so we simply don't have the data.