This submodule allows you to manage your website contributors with ease. This view is divided into three sections.
On the left, you'll find the first section which shows the list of the contributors. To modify the current contributors (only possible as an owner), you need to click the dropdown list and select another contributor role.
At this point, the application differentiates between four contributor roles:
- Owner: Someone who can access all available settings for a website (even reset its data, delete it, etc.). You are an owner if you are the person that added the website to your account and invited others.
- Website Editor: A person that was added to "contribute" to a specific website. This role can edit most of the settings for the website, but cannot reset or delete it.
- Website Watcher: This contributor type has "read only" permissions - they can see all information, but are completely restricted when it comes to changing anything.
- Dashboard Viewer Only: This user can only view the exact data that the admin is filtering or segmenting for. Dashboard viewers do NOT have the ability to update the dashboard's data nor can they click on links taking them to other features inside the platform.
On the right side is the second section, Add a New Contributor. To add a new contributor to your website:
- Type in the email address of the person you would like to invite.
- Define an account role from the dropdown menu.
- Click the Invite Contributor button.
The last section shows the Pending Invitations. The email addresses of the contributors you invited will be listed here.
If the invited Contributor already has an account in our app, they just need to accept the Contributor role, and the website data will be displayed in their account. If the Contributor is not registered, they should first register to be able to accept the Contributor role.
For more details on managing your website contributors, you can read more here.
Note: You can use the filter option to search for the Contributor Name or Email.