What’s Next?
Well, download your checklist and share it around your TWIPLA’ champion squad - if you’re still without one of those, get building.
Your Checklist also details steps to take across all three pillars of our platforms:
- Performance Statistics
- Visitor Behavior Analytics, and
- Visitor Communication
We do, however, of course recommend that you read our quick intros to pillars two and three too - you can consider yourself onboarded into pillar one now already.
Also, don’t forget to check out all of our great support documentation and, of course, get in touch if you have any burning questions or hit any snags along your journey.
Keep an eye out on your inbox for our regular newsletters, which we promise don’t simply try to sell you bright, new, shiny toys. It’s our number one priority to help our user community to succeed and so we do our best to impart our platform knowledge and have lots of things planned to make this experience an enjoyable and fulfilling one.
If you’re not opted in to receive such communications, you can do so by adding your email address here. We always provide a one click opt out link and completely delete any user data once such an action is taken. We take our privacy perfect stance seriously.
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Otherwise, have fun, explore, get accustomed, and enjoy all the benefits of your website intelligence platform.